Great start to the 2024-25 Season
Cronulla Sailing Club (CSC) is seeking a qualified Race Officer (RO) to join our Race Management Team. This is a hands-on part-time role assisting our existing RO and filling in as required. POSITION DESCRIPTION You will oversee on-water race management for specific series, regattas and trophy races, and help deliver a busy year-round schedule of…
We are running Beginner Learn to Sail courses for Adults aged 18 – 65. Not only will you learn new skills, get to know your team mates and work towards a common goal, but you will have incredible fun doing it !! Come to a free information night, meet new friends, learn about the course,…
If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to ask via email info@cronullasailingclub.com.au
Thank you to all those who came and helped out at the Working Bee on Saturday 25 May. It was great to see so many pitch in and help out with some not-so-glamourous jobs!
We invite all yachts to enter the Winter Series for 2024 on SailSys so that results can be collated. Please follow this link https://app.sailsys.com.au/club/18/profile?tab=entry Email rik@aspirationswealth.com.au if you have any questions.